Saturday, November 8, 2014

Los Angeles, via Highway 1 from Auburn

I want to specially acknowledge the financial contributions from Alexandre Nguyen, Manny Rangel, Michael Pang, my mom, and my aunt Julie for helping make these words and pictures possible! I think that's everyone, but please let me know if you donated and I missed you. I want to show my gratitude!

Finally, I'm getting around to the first update on my trip.

I've been in Los Angeles for a week.

I left Auburn, CA on Friday, October 31st. It was a bit earlier than expected but due to weather my workday was cut short and I decided to leave. I rode through the rain from 1 PM until about 6:30 PM that night.

I camped in a parking lot on the Pacific Coast Highway, overlooking the cliffs and the sea. The rain abated until about 3 AM, at which point I got a little wet, but no big deal.

Saturday, early in the morning, I continued the trip and made it to Los Agneles after stopping along the way to take in the views and to see some juvenile elephant seals basking on the beach.

The coastal scenery is always and truly stunning. It was a very nice ride, both days, despite the intermittent rain.

I was happy for the bad weather, in fact, as it allowed me to test my gear, which in turn gave me some shopping to do once I got to Los Angeles. On the list: water proof gloves, and a better tarp.

Since arriving in LA, the weather has been perfectly nice, even a little warm, and I have been making the most of my time here.

It's been nice to be around people again, as my eight months in Auburn was a semi-ascetic and very solitary experience. To be hugged, and to hug, to laugh and to be around people who chose to be around you is a gift and privilege.

I'm looking forward to many more opportunities to be social on this trip. I've had my fill of my own company.

While in LA, I have done some of the touristy activities I never did when I was here. I hiked to the Hollywood sign, went to the Griffith Observatory and also explored the abandoned LA zoo—things I had wanted to do but never felt like I had the time or energy to do properly.

I'm realizing that LA is a better city than I saw it for, but only because I am different, not it changed. When I was working here, I betrayed myself, selling my climbing gear to make ends meet, working long hours (also to make ends meet), and commuting. All of that left me feeling used up and unsure of what to do.

I spent so much time trying to maintain the interest of my significant other that I lost interest in doing the things that would make living in LA worthwhile.

That's all in the past, though. And being in LA with a clear mind is a different experience. Whereas before I looked around and saw opposition to my goals, now I am free, and I see opportunities everywhere I look. Opportunities to explore, to socialize, to work. It's all here. Along with the traffic. There is always the traffic.

Riding a motorcycle laden with gear seems to be an invitation to start a conversation, and I've already met a few people who are interested in the trip, and want to see my particular solutions to the problems they foresee. Even met someone who had done the trip.

Everyone is excited to hear where I am going and what I am doing. The more cautious are concerned for my safety, but generally I am encouraged by everyone to make the most of it.

I was supposed to have an interview with Peace Corps China on Friday, and I lament to report that I got the time wrong and missed the interview. I misread the e-mail confirmation, and the scheduling phone call was cutoff due to a bad connection, so I was ready and waiting... 3 hours too late. I'm going to try to reschedule it before I leave the country. We'll see.

I have vague intentions of taking a English as a Second Language (ESL, or TESOL) course while on the road. Planning for the future, after this immediate trip.

All that's left for my immediate attention is to reduce the size of my luggage. I am unhappy with the amount of stuff I have brought, and being here in LA has allowed me to figure out what I use on a day to day basis, and I think I will be able to reduce my baggage my a considerable amount.

Next: Mexico!

A photo posted by @curtislong on

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